Acupuncture for Womens Health

Acupuncture has much to offer in the area of women’s health, in fact in many areas it can resolve problems that many women believe they have to just put up with, period pain and PMT being good examples. Acupuncture is a regulating kind of medicine so
Below I have listed some of the female health issues that women commonly access Acupuncture for.
These are only the very common conditions people seek help with so if the thing you are having trouble with is not listed, please get in touch and we can explore whether Acupuncture might be able to help you.
Period Pain and Menstrual Cycle Irregularities
If you are having difficulties with menstrual issues, Acupuncture is a treatment option that has an excellent chance of helping. It has a regulating function on the body and particularly the menstrual cycle and the emotions. Unlike medication it doesn’t just treat the symptoms as they occur, but has a lasting effect addressing the underlying cause of your menstrual difficulties.
These are some of the signs that your menstrual cycle is disregulated and might benefit from some treatment.
- period pain or pain on ovulation,
- emotional changes related to menstrual cycle
- heavy, excessively light or unusually bright or dark menstrual bleeding,
- short or very long periods,
- irregular menstrual cycle length,
- short (less than 24 days) or long (over 32 days) menstrual cycle,
- spotting between periods
- digestive disturbance connected to changes in your menstrual cycle.
- headaches or other symptoms that vary according to your periods
Acupuncture has been shown to increase the rates of pregnancy in couples trying for a baby. Sometimes it can be helpful for either partners in a couple to receive treatment as Acupuncture can positively affect both male and female fertility. If you have been struggling to get pregnant, it can sometimes be because something is not quite right in your system and for some a simple course of treatment is enough to bring a pregnancy. I have had plenty of patients over the years where they have got pregnant naturally as a result of a course of Acupuncture treatment and/or making some associated lifestyle changes but, of course, that doesn’t always happen despite positive changes in fertility indicators. If you pursue assisted reproduction treatment like IVF, IUI, ICSI etc Acupuncture can support that process and is associated with increased success rates.
For fuller information about fertility issues and care in pregnancy. Find out more.
Menopause and Peri-menopause
Since I have been in practise I have witnessed the wide variety of ways in which menopause and peri-menopause seriously affect the quality of life of some of my female patients. As well as the more commonly understood symptoms like hot flushes, changes in libido and mood disturbances, this fundamental change in the functioning of your body can cause a whole array of other problems that can feel unpredictable and out of control.
Acupuncture is at it’s core regulating, and so has much to offer when women experience this change. During this period of life, just like during puberty, the body is learning to adapt to fundamental changes in hormonal patterns, this takes time. Acupuncture helps keep you more in balance while this adjustment happens keeping you feeling more balanced and helping to reduce the intensity of the symptoms you are experiencing.
Polycystic Overian Syndrome (PCOS)
Acupuncture is a safe treatment for PCOS, and scientific studies have found it can help:
- Increase blood flow to the ovaries
- Reduce the number of ovarian cysts and ovarian volume
- Reduce reduce stress and the levels of stress hormones
- Improve pregnancy rates in patients with PCOS undergoing IVF
- Improve metabolic function of patients with obesity-type PCOS