The experiences of friends and family as well as supporting many patients coping with fertility issues mean I understand how distressing it can be when a successful pregnancy hasn’t happened or when a pregnancy is lost. The deep emotions of these experiences is why successful treatment to improve fertility is so life changing and why I am so passionate about helping individuals or couples who are trying to have a baby.

Acupuncture is the most frequently included complementary treatment to support assisted reproduction treatment. It is integrated into many of the best fertility clinics in the world.
Female Fertility

Acupuncture has a well deserved reputation for enhancing fertility, often being a key factor in successful pregnancies. Treatment identifies important issues affecting fertility, regulates the menstrual cycle and emotions and can support issues like low ovarian reserve and hormonal imbalances.
Male Fertility

When couples struggle to conceive, the focus is often on the woman in the relationship but in many cases, support is helpful for the man. Acupuncture, with advice where helpful, can positively influence sperm count and quality as well as other fertility related issues.
Pregnancy & Birth

While being an amazing journey, pregnancy often can involve significant emotional or physical difficulties. Acupuncture is one of the safest forms of medicine for you and your baby and, every day, helps women enjoy rather than survive pregnancy.
What Treatment Has to Offer
Acupuncture has a well deserved scientific reputation for making the significant difference to both men and women when it comes to helping fertility. Fertility is a complex thing, with many factors involved so the holistic approach of Acupuncture, looking at the whole of you and treating you as a whole person, is ideal for addressing issues of this nature. Often fertility issues are resolved without additional treatment but if assisted reproduction techniques are being used, it has much to offer to increase the chances of success and to help couples cope with the side-effects of this kind of medical treatment.
What Treatment Involves
I combine the ancient knowledge of Acupuncture with modern scientific insights to provide individualised treatment tailored to you, this involves acupuncture treatment but also often involves advice about adjustments that can be made in daily life to help support you to be at your best. We work together with any additional information you may have from medical tests to understand the problem and resolve it naturally.
Experience & Additional Training
The treatment of fertility is one of my 2 specialisms, the other being the treatment of children. As well as my years of accumulated experience since I graduated in 2012, I have also completed specialist additional training with the world renowned Acupuncture fertility expert Jane Lyttleton and also engage in continuing additional learning.