
My name is Paul Burdon, I’m 45. I am an Acupuncturist and I love being an Acupuncturist because of what it can do for people. I can’t imagine more rewarding work than leaving people feeling healthy and getting more from what life has to offer. I provide individualised, patient-centred Acupuncture treatments that are focused on addressing what matters to the people I see and I get great satisfaction from seeing Acupuncture set people free from the restrictions illness or other things have imposed on them.
In both my professional and personal life, I believe in nourishing people from the inside out and forming long lasting relationships based on trust, integrity and commitment.
I have been married since 2008 and am also very lucky to have a young son who was born in 2012, he keeps me fully occupied outside of work! Being a husband and parent is the most important and fulfilling thing to me outside of my work time.
Personal Interests
My main passion outside of my family and Acupuncture is Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a form of moving meditation and defensive martial art, you may have seen it, people move very slowly and gracefully, often in parks. It has many health benefits as well as being an excellent tool to keep on developing as a person. You see many Chinese people doing it in the parks in China and Hong Kong, it’s similar to seeing people jogging in the UK but even though Tai Chi keeps you healthy, people can keep doing it until they are very old. I have been practising Tai Chi for the last 19 years and volunteer as an assistant teacher with the Rising Phoenix Tai Chi School in Cardiff.
I also have a lot of curiosity about the world so I love learning about just about anything. This is part of what I love being an Acupuncturist; it is so interesting meeting so many different people and hearing about their lives. As well as Acupuncture which is my main area of learning, I enjoy most sciences but particularly enjoy space science, genetics, history and psychology and, and in the little time that is left after Acupuncture and family, I listen to programmes and read about these subjects.
Why did I train as an Acupuncturist?
Experiencing the benefits of authentic Traditional Acupuncture inspired me so much that I left behind a successful career as an Internet consultant to devote my work to helping people with Acupuncture. I spent 4 years doing my Acupuncture Degree and then it took a year to build my Acupuncture practice. You can read a brief explanation of how and why I was inspired to become an Acupuncturist here.
Work and Education
I was born in 1974, and raised mainly in Birmingham, after achieving A-Levels in Maths, Philosophy, Chemistry, Biology and General Studies, I studied Psychology at the well respected Cardiff University Psychology department gaining a 2.1 honours degree.
In my early career I worked with people with learning disabilities and mental health diagnoses, I left this to spend a period travelling in Asia and Nepal. Upon my return I worked in a variety of roles in the creative IT industry, managing a small team in one role and then going on to be self employed working mainly with charity and health-care clients.
During the last 4 years of my career in IT, I completed a degree in Traditional and Five Element Acupuncture at one of Europe’s most respected schools of Acupuncture, the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading. Since then I have completed specialist additional training in the treatment of fertility related issues and also the treatment of babies, children and teenagers. These are areas which require specialist knowledge and training. You can find out more about my training and experience here.
Since this point it has been my great privilege to work as a Traditional Acupuncturist.